Jeff's Travel Guide @ Kyoto


Kyoto University of Foreign Studies—A Quiz
Kyoto is known as a city that’s especially friendly to foreign visitors and college students. Kyoto has 39 major colleges and universities. In this video clip Jeff takes us to a university located in the heart of the city, on Shijo Street, the broad "avenue" that runs east and west, from Yasaka Shrine to Matsuo Shrine. Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, the school where Jeff teaches, has a motto with an important message: "Pax Mundi per Linguas" (World Peace through Languages). Jeff shows us his office and quizzes us about an artifact of Japanese culture. This clip is informative as well as entertaining.

Yudofu (Simmered Tofu)/湯豆腐
Its reputation grew among the pilgrims visiting Nanzenji. 南禅寺の参…

The Aqueduct at Nanzen-ji Temple/南禅寺の水路閣
The Biwako aqueduct has been playing a vital role for more than 120 y…

The Gardens of Nanzen-ji Temple/南禅寺の方丈庭園
If I sit here in meditation, will I be able to reach enlightenment? …

The Sanmon Gate of Nanzen-ji Temple/南禅寺の三門
We pass from our busy everyday world into the world of quiet meditati…

Cooking with Three Kinds of Peppers/とうがらし料理をいただく
Kyoto is the place to be in summer. 夏の京都は最高です。

Kyoto Brand Vegetables Three Kinds of Peppers/とうがらし
hothouse tomato, hothouse cucumber, hothouse pepper 温室トマト、温室…

Kamo Eggplant:A Vegetable Dish/賀茂なす料理をいただく
Let’s learn how to make a delicious new dish. おいしい食べ方を教えて…

Kamo Nasu A Different Kind of Eggplant/賀茂なす
It’s so juicy, so chewy, so fruity! 歯ごたえがあって瑞々しくて甘いん…

Bamboo has an almost unlimited number of uses. 竹は本当に万能です。

A souvenir for yourself, a gift for someone else. 自分のための物 人…

These tatami sandals feel great. この畳サンダルは、はき心地がいい。

A Japanese Umbrella/和傘
These Japanese umbrellas are really something Japan can be proud of-w…

Kyoto University of Foreign Studies—Campus Life
Located near the geographical center of Kyoto, KUFS (Kyoto University…

Kyoto University of Foreign Studies—International Students
Every year Kyoto welcomes thousands of international students to its …

