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Life in kyoto
Seasons of Kyoto
Jeff the Charm of Kyoto Travel Will Introduce In Each Genre.
Japanese Confectionery : Sakuramochi/桜餅
This is just perfect for this season. This is “sakura mochi.” You can…
The Cherry Blossoms of Daigoji Temple/醍醐寺の桜
I’m walking along this flagstone path, here at Daigoji Temple, and it…
The Cherry Blossoms of Bishamon-do Temple/毘沙門堂の桜
Bishamondo is, of course, famous for its cherry blossoms, but this is…
The Cherry Blossoms of Yamashina Canal/山科疎水の桜
The Yamashina canal was completed about 120 years ago. Part of the sy…
Cherry Blossoms at Nijo Castle/桜・二条城
It’s no exaggeration to say that Nijo Castle is one of the most famou…
Cherry Blossoms at Hirano Shrine
Now that we’re here, let’s take a look at the different varieties of …
Cherry Blossoms in Arashiyama
This scene encapsulates the beauty of Kyoto. It’s number one.
Konkai Komyo-ji Temple/金戒光明寺
It’s as if we’re in the middle of a dream.
Kosan-ji Temple/髙山寺
This temple is one of the 17 World Heritage Sites in Kyoto. このお寺…
Takao Area/高雄
The season of the fall colors is so popular. 秋の紅葉の季節はとても…
A Tangible Cultural Property with a Veranda/有形文化財の床
Tangible Cultural Property and Intangible Cultural Property 有形文化…
A Hot Spring Bath in Kibune/貴船神社
I had no idea that we could enjoy hot spring bathing in Kibune. 貴船…
The King of Summer Noodles Nagashi Somen/夏の定番 流しそうめん
The noodles that best represent Japan in summer are somen noodles. …
Eating Sweetfish on the River in Kibune/川床
When people hear the name Kibune, the first thing that comes to min…
Kifune Shrine: The God of Water/貴船神社
The god of water is enshrined at Kifune Shrine. 貴船神社には水の神様…
Kyoto Home Cooking with A Veranda/おばんざいの床
The pastel colors and the shapes of the dishes make you feel cool. …
A Coffee Shop with a Veranda/コーヒーショップの床
Kyoto is a city that welcomes the new alongside the old. 京都は新し…
Beginner’s Introduction to Traditional Summer Verandas/床入門
Traditional verandas are one way to beat the heat. 床は暑さを和らげ…
Cherry Blossom Viewing/お花見
we are going to point out a few things you should know about cherry b…
Heian Jingu Shrine/桜・平安神宮
I’m going to show you an unusual but fantastic way to see the cherry …
I’m going to show you an unusual but fantastic way to see the cherry …
Philosopher’s Walk/桜・哲学の道
This is a place I really want to show you around. ここは皆さんをぜひ…